As a private think tank conducting policy-relevant research on a variety of issues, Vejchewin Research Institute has a commitment to standards of ethical research and practices. All matters of ethics in research and publications are reviewed, managed, and monitored by the Research Ethics Panel (REP).


  • The Panel shall be multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial in composition including relevant subject expertise, balanced age, gender distribution, and lay persons.
  • The number of members in the Panel shall be kept fairly small (i.e. no more than 8 members).
  • The Panel shall have a Chairperson and a Coordinator nominated by the Director-General.
  • The Panel Members shall be as follows:
    • Chairperson
    • 3 x Social scientists
    • 1 x Health-related scientist
    • 1 x Non-research professional (lay person)
    • 1 x Regulatory specialist (lay person)
    • Coordinator
  • Minimum five members are required to compose the quorum without which a decision regarding the research should not be taken.

Frequency of Meetings

The REP shall meet, either physically or virtually, on an ad hoc basis as and when necessary.

Minimum Standards

Minimum standards have to take into account the following guidelines:

Contact REP

For more details, please contact REP at: [email protected]