Dr Kornphanat Tungkeunkunt is an Assistant Professor of History at Thammasat University. Prior to joining Thammasat, she taught Chinese language and culture at Kasetsart University. Dr Tungkeunkunt holds a PhD in Chinese Studies from National University of Singapore.
At VRI, Dr Tungkeunkunt serves as an Overseas Advisor to Ren Kaidou Centre for BL Studies.
Email: [email protected]
Research Interests
Chinese Language and Culture; Modern Chinese History; Sino-Thai History; Sound Studies
Selected Publications
‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water: A History of the Diplomatic Discourse China and Thailand Are Brothers.’ Asian Perspective 42, no. 4 (2018): 597-621 DOI: 10.1353/apr.2018.0027 (with Kanya Phuphakdi)